Massage Therapy Services
Integrative Massage
Whether you are experiencing neck and shoulder discomfort, lower back issues, sciatic pain, or overall stress, you will find relief through the various techniques integrated into your massage session. Techniques include but are not limited to: Deep Tissue Massage, Myofascial Therapy, Trigger Point Therapy and Swedish Massage.
30 minutes
60 Minutes
90 minutes
Massage Cupping Therapy
Massage cupping is a lesser-known treatment that is part of Traditional Chinese Medicine. During a massage cupping session, small cups are placed on the skin to create suction. The suction in the cups causes the skin and superficial muscle layer to be lightly drawn into the cup loosening the muscles and tissue. This encourages lymph and blood flow, assists in the release of toxins and sedates the nervous system.
30 minutes
60 minutes
90 minutes
Hot Stone Massage
Hot Stone Massage is a very comforting and relaxing treatment. The smooth heated stones are applied with gentle pressure to warm and loosen tight muscles.
60 minutes (stones are used on the neck and back)
90 minutes (stones are used on the entire body)
Aromatherapy Massage
A relaxing massage and nurturing massage for when you feel stressed, overtired, overwhelmed, etc. and you feel the need for an extra bit of care. The purpose of Aromatherapy massage is to utilize the the restorative properties of essential oils to relax and heal your body and mind. Because essential oils work well to support the emotional body, Aromatherapy Massage is particularly suited to stress related conditions or conditions with an emotional component.
30 minutes
60 minutes
90 minutes
Pregnancy Massage
A massage performed with special bolstering tailored for the comfort of the expectant mother. This massage helps ease neck, shoulder, back and hip pain, and stress on weight bearing joints.
60 minutes
Skin Treatments
Deluxe Belavi Spa Facial
In this beautiful treatment, your skin is cleansed and buffed, a full 30 minute massage is devoted to uplifting and toning your skin and facial muscles. Acupressure is applied to sinus points to relieve pressure, Lymphatic drainage massage movements reduce puffiness, and warm lavender towels soothe tension from your face. You are then treated to a honey lift treatment which minimizes puffiness and fine lines. You will slip into a state of bliss as your feet are wrapped in Lavender hot towels and your scalp, neck, shoulders, arms, hands, and feet are massaged. This is the most luxurious and pampering service we offer. Heaven...
90 minutes
Mini - Belavi Spa Facial
An abbreviated version of the above facial. Includes face, scalp, neck and shoulder massage.
45 minutes